My first design memory is visiting my Aunt Boo in Atlanta and our afternoon adventure to pull fabrics at ADAC. While she pulled her fabrics the manager at Brunschwig & Fils was kind enough to let me pull mine. Let's such say that my aunt was impressed and actually used one of the fabrics I had chosen... I was only nine.
As I have "grown up" my tastes have also grown. The most important thing I have learned as a designer is the style of design you are drawn to doesn't necessarily matter but rather that you, the consumer, love what is in your home and that your home reflects your personality. Don't be scared to step out of the box even it it's just a toe. Remember, after all your friends leave at the end of the party it's just you and your house. So you better love it.
I graduated from Meredith College in 2004 with a major in Interior Design and a minor in Art. I have been working in the design industry since graduation. First at a retail store designing children's rooms and now for a Trade Showroom. While not working, my husband and I renovate our 1950's house making it into a home. No project is too big!